Tips for Managing Distributed Dev Teams

Distributed teams are no longer a novelty in software and game dev - they are the norm. But while this setup offers the flexibility to tap into a global talent pool, it also introduces complexity. Aligning a distributed team around a shared mission, communicating priorities, and executing consistently can feel like a juggling act. However, with the right approach, you can turn these challenges into strengths, building a cohesive, high-performing team that delivers on time, every time.

1. Establish a Clear Strategic Vision

In any game development organization, clarity of purpose is critical—but with distributed teams, it becomes non-negotiable. Every team member, regardless of location, needs to know and believe in the strategic vision that’s guiding their work.

  • Articulate the “Why”: It’s not enough to simply issue marching orders. Your team needs to understand the purpose behind the project. Whether it’s creating a new gameplay mechanic or pushing a franchise forward, the more connected your team feels to the “why,” the more likely they are to stay aligned and engaged.
  • Over-Communicate: In distributed teams, you can’t rely on casual office conversations to reinforce the mission. Over-communication is essential. Schedule regular check-ins to remind everyone of the big picture and ensure that no one loses sight of the ultimate goal.
  • Example: "Our goal is to create a groundbreaking gaming experience that blends storytelling and immersion, and each department’s efforts are crucial to achieving that."

2. Set Clear Priorities and Objectives

In a distributed setting, even the most talented teams can falter if they don’t share the same understanding of priorities. Misaligned priorities lead to wasted time, frustration, and missed deadlines.

  • Define Objectives and Key Results (OKRs): By setting clear OKRs at both the organizational and team level, you ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding what success looks like. This alignment helps keep the team focused on high-priority tasks.
  • Align Tasks to Strategy: It’s essential that each team member can clearly see how their work contributes to the broader company goals. When everyone understands the connection between daily tasks and long-term strategy, execution becomes much more effective.
  • Regularly Review Priorities: Game development is fast-paced, and priorities can change quickly. Regular reviews of priorities are necessary to make sure that the team is always working on what matters most.
  • Example: "For this sprint, our top priority is improving the game’s frame rate, so all other features should be deprioritized until we meet this goal."

3. Leverage the Right Tools for Communication and Collaboration

In distributed teams, communication is the glue that holds everything together. Without the right tools, misunderstandings, delays, and breakdowns in collaboration are inevitable.

  • Asynchronous Communication: Tools like Slack, Discord, or Microsoft Teams allow teams in different time zones to stay connected. These platforms enable asynchronous communication, so team members can catch up on discussions, decisions, and updates when it’s convenient for them.
  • Shared Documentation: Tools like Confluence or Notion help centralize project documentation, ensuring that everyone has access to the latest information. This is especially important when working across locations and time zones.
  • Use Video for Important Conversations: While written communication is great for updates, important discussions—like sprint planning or feedback sessions—are best conducted via video to ensure clarity and build rapport.
  • Example: "At our studio, we use a combination of Slack for daily communication, Confluence for tracking project decisions, and Zoom for weekly sprint planning meetings."

4. Foster a Culture of Accountability and Ownership

Accountability is key to a well-functioning distributed team. Each team member needs to feel a sense of ownership over their tasks and understand the importance of meeting deadlines.

  • Establish Clear Accountability: Every task or milestone should have a clear owner. This reduces confusion and creates accountability across the board. When everyone knows who is responsible for what, it’s easier to track progress and address potential roadblocks.
  • Encourage Autonomy: Give team members the freedom to decide how best to achieve their objectives, but make sure they understand the expected outcomes. This autonomy, coupled with accountability, helps drive performance.
  • Regular Check-ins: Regular one-on-ones and team check-ins help track progress and address any issues before they become larger problems. These check-ins are critical for keeping distributed teams aligned and motivated.
  • Example: "Each team lead is responsible for their domain’s deliverables, and we hold bi-weekly review sessions to track progress and tackle any issues head-on."

5. Build Trust and Camaraderie Across Locations

In distributed teams, a sense of connection and camaraderie can be hard to maintain, but it’s crucial for long-term success. Teams that trust each other work better together, even if they aren’t physically in the same space.

  • Virtual Team-Building: Regular virtual events, informal check-ins, and even playing online games together can help build relationships across locations. These informal interactions help foster trust and cohesion.
  • Transparency: Be open about company updates, challenges, and successes. Transparency builds trust within the team, ensuring that remote workers feel included and informed.
  • Celebrate Wins: Recognize individual and team achievements, whether they are big or small. Celebrating wins, even virtually, helps boost morale and keeps everyone motivated.
  • Example: "We celebrate every milestone with a virtual happy hour where we recognize team efforts and share feedback on what’s been working well."

6. Focus on Effective Execution

Once alignment, communication, and trust are in place, successful execution becomes a matter of discipline and process. It’s essential to have the right structures in place to ensure that everyone is delivering as planned.

  • Clear Processes: Document processes for key tasks, such as sprint planning and code reviews. When processes are clear and easy to follow, it reduces friction and keeps the team on track.
  • Manage Bottlenecks: Be vigilant about identifying and addressing bottlenecks. Whether the issue is technical or related to communication, quick action is necessary to prevent delays.
  • Measure Progress: Use metrics such as velocity or completion rates to track progress. Regularly reviewing these metrics allows you to identify potential issues before they impact delivery.
  • Example: "We use JIRA to track all sprint tasks, and each week, we measure our velocity to ensure we’re progressing toward our game release date."


Managing distributed teams in game development presents unique challenges, but with the right approach, these challenges can become opportunities. By establishing clear priorities, fostering accountability, and leveraging the right tools, leaders can ensure their teams remain aligned, motivated, and productive. When executed well, distributed teams can deliver exceptional games, even in the most complex and dynamic environments.

Success comes down to intentional management—deliberately setting the team on a course for alignment, communication, and execution. With these strategies in place, your distributed team can thrive.

If it's time to get the distributed team working better together, you may find the ideas laid out in the free Game Dev PMO Blueprint to be helpful. 

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